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Learn how to use Git interactively using Git Gud.

Necessary Software

Instructions for presenting

Present the slides for 15 minutes, and then let members explore Git using Git Gud.

Install Instructions for Linux and MacOS Users

You probably already have python and git working on your system. Run pip install --user git-gud to install Git Gud.

Install Instructions for Windows Users

Windows users have a lot more setup to do, but this is the least painful and intrusive method to go about it.

Step 1/2 - Installing Software

  1. Install Git Bash (install link above). When going through the installer, be sure to check the “Get daily updates for Git Bash” option (or whatever the most similar option is).
  2. Install Python (install link above). The standard install for all users is fine. Do not add to PATH, since that apparently messes up your IDEs.

Step 2/2 - Adding Python and Pip to Git Bash

  1. Go to the Windows Start Menu, and start typing “Python” in the box. Right click one of the consoles that appears, and click “Open File Location”.
  2. When the folder is opened, right click the shortcut icons there, and click “Open File Location”.
  3. You should now appear at some folder with a bunch of executables and whatnot. Right click anywhere in the window, and in the context menu that appears, click “Open in Git Bash”.
  4. Run the command:

    Your current directory will appear in the form /path/to/python install/PythonXX. We will tell Git Bash that our Python is located here in the next few steps. In the following commands, replace /path/to/python install/PythonXX with the actual result of pwd.

  5. Run the command:
    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:"/path/to/python install/PythonXX"' >> ~/.bashrc

    This ~/.bashrc file will run every time you open a new Git Bash window. We’re telling Git Bash that every time we open a window, we want to add this directory to our PATH so Git Bash knows what to look for.

  6. Test this by running source ~/.bashrc. If this works without error, run python --version. If there is no error, then congrats! Your Git Bash window knows there is Python here.

  7. Now, we will do the same for pip, the Python package manager. We need this to install Git Gud in the first place. Run the same command as before, except add /Scripts to the end, like so:
    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:"/path/to/python install/PythonXX/Scripts"' >> ~/.bashrc

    This is where Python has installed pip.

  8. Test this by running source ~/.bashrc. If this works without error, run pip --version. If there is no error, then congrats! Your Git Bash window knows there is pip is here too.

  9. Now, run pip install --user git-gud to install Git Gud. After that, you’re good to go!

NOTE: There’s a bug on Windows where you must run winpty before git gud in order for git gud to work properly. Rather than typing this all the time, just run this command to make Git Bash do the work for you (so you don’t ever have to think about this):

echo 'alias git="winpty git"' >> ~/.bashrc

After running this, close and reopen your Git Bash window to let the changes take effect.